You Know this feeling?
At some point in our lives we have all experienced disconnection & incompleteness.
We live in a world that is inundating us with messages that we need all of these external sources to be happy and fulfilled. We may spend much of our lives searching for the next thing that is going to make us feel whole, and therefore lead to peace. But Yogic wisdom teaches us that, as we are in this very moment, we are already whole and complete. A holistic Yoga practice helps us to purify all layers of our being so that we can see ourselves and all of life with a clear perspective, recognizing our common humanity and divinity.
Donation Based Yoga Classes
Classes include all facets of a holistic yoga practice; asana, breathwork, mantra, meditation, and yogic philosophy.
Jot Anant draws upon a tradition of Yoga called Akhanda Yoga, from the Adi Nath Shiva Lineage. Akhanda means “whole and indivisible”, which applies to each of us as well as the teachings. All classes are systematically yet artfully designed to align the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, inuitive, and spiritual self.

"I am so grateful to have found Jot Anant’s offerings online. I've done yoga on and off for the past 30 years and have always really enjoyed it, but it has never moved me as much as when I take Jot’s classes."
Candice Janco
Online Student
Retreats & Trainings
For students who are ready to truly immerse themselves in the teachings and lifestyle of Yoga, Jot Anant offers local and international retreats.
Retreats offer you an opportunity to disconnect to be able to reconnect.
Upcoming Retreats:
~2 week Spiritual Retreat to India & Nepal, November 2025
Yoga Teacher Trainings are an incredible option both for students who wish to teach Yoga but also for those who simply wish to build a solid foundation and understanding of the practice for their own spiritual evolution.
Upcoming trainings:
~200 hour YTT with Akhanda Yoga Institute in Rishikesh India: September 29th – October 25th, 2025
~100 hour Yin & Restorative YTT in Rishikesh India: October 28th – November 9th, 2025
~300 hour YTT with Akhanda Yoga Institute in Rishikesh India November 3rd – December 7th, 2025
~200 hour YTT with Nova Yoga. Hybrid format; 4 weekends in Raleigh NC & a 2 week intensive in Guatemala. Begins December 14th
~300 hour YTT with Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre: Virtual or in person. Begins January 2025
Continuing Education programs provide you an opportunity to further your studies of Yoga.
Upcoming CE offerings:
~Sowing Sacred Seeds, Chakra Series: Begins January 5th. Open to all, students & teachers alike. Can be done via recording until July 2025
"Jot Anant was one of the head teachers of my 200 hour teacher training. Although our time together was short, she continues to be a shining example of how to conduct myself as a yoga teacher."
Gregory Stavrakas
Yoga Student"Jot Anant offers an authentic yoga class. I’d been searching for a teacher who went beyond poses and exercise. She clearly explains different expressions of the pose, so you can tailor your practice to what serves your body best that day."
Sharon Saltzgiver
Retreat AttendeeWorkshops & Series
Join one of the specialized workshops and series to dive deeper into the many facets of a holistic Yoga practice.
Jot Anant draws upon her diverse education in Akhanda Yoga, Pranayama, Yoga for Trauma, Yoga for Veterans with PTSD & TBI, Yoga Philosophy, Intuitive Yin, Kirtan, and Thai Yoga Bodywork to guide students into an exploration of the sciences and sacredness of the Yoga practice.

"I've been joining virtual classes with Jot Anant and what a joy it is to be in this class-- the instructions, the care Jot has with words and the reminder of how it is my practice. I fall in and out of practicing yoga and meditation, but this class has answered a need for me at a critical time in my health, and I am grateful, so very grateful for the space. "
Amber Westall Briggs
Yoga Student
Custom Yoga Offerings
Jot Anant is trained in multiple styles of yoga and serves both groups and individuals. Her classes focus on a holistic approach that incorporates the many facets of Yoga.
Offerings can be virtual or in person and are custom created to fit your specific needs. Jot Anant has taught in corporate settings, festivals, and with private clients.
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