Tools for living a life of purpose, balance, harmony, & connection
The teachings of holistic, traditional Yoga offer us a path to expansion, transformation, liberation, and inner peace. Join today for one of our donation based weekly classes and feel for yourself the power of authentic Yoga!

Yoga changed the trajectory of my life, aligning me with my Soul purpose.
I deeply believe this ancient healing practice is meant to be accessible to all regardless of financial ability, economic status, religion, culture, or physical ability.
Yoga opens up a pathway for us to discover our true, highest Self so that we can show up in the world from this authentic source.
I support students by creating a safe space in which you can explore the depth of your being, connect with community and engage in acts of service as a route towards expansion, transformation, liberation, and inner peace.

My background
Jot Anant has had the opportunity to work within incredible Yoga communities both locally in Asheville as well as internationally, that are striving to make a lasting impact in the world through Yoga
Facilitated on 12+ Yoga Teacher Trainings
Supporting students upon their journey to become Yoga teachers is one of the greatest honors. Jot Anant is humbled to facilitate Yoga Teacher Training programs both locally & internationally.
Past Program Coordinator & Community Manager for Akhanda Yoga Institute
Jot Anant is grateful for the opportunity to work alongside her Guru & an international team that is dedicated to sharing & reviving the holistic & authentic teachings of the Adi Nath Shiva Lineage.
Operations Director at Asheville Community Yoga
A nonprofit donation based studio in the mountains of North Carolina built upon the foundation of community, service, & the belief that everyone has the right to participate in Yoga.

My story
Jot Anant offers teachings that are raw, powerful, deeply intuitive, and uplifting. Anchored in her own spiritual practice and evolution, Jot Anant teaches from a place of vulnerable authenticity. She is a lover of life, seeker of truth, and gentle soul who’s deepest desire is to be of humble service.
Jot Anant grew up in a small mountain town in Western North Carolina, frolicking in the forests, splashing in the rivers, living in the trees, picking berries from her grandparents land, tending the family garden, and chasing the luminosity of the fireflies. This deep connection with the land and its bounty helped shape the way she views the sacred Earth we inhabit.
Like many, as she began to navigate her way through the world amongst the noise and demands from outside voices, she lost touch with this innate sense of connection to the Earth, the sacredness of life, and herself. For years she lived life based off of the “shoulds” of modern society, suppressing the wise voice within.
This lead to a dark night of the soul
A difficult and painful period filled with doubt, hopelessness, and confusion. But there is much beauty in these dark nights, for they are the start of an uplifting yet arduous journey back home to yourself.
It was at this time that she turned to the practices of Yoga, the support of community, and the gifts of service as a life raft to stay afloat within a world that was consuming her enthusiasm for life. Finally she felt that she was returning home, home to her true Self. This joyful reunion led to some instinctive leaps of faith, quitting her corporate job, changing her lifestyle, and exploring the sacred sciences of Yoga by journeying through Nepal, India, and Indonesia to experience spiritual living from different points of view.
Although fear was highly present, as it usually is for all of us during times of great change and upheaval, she knew that if she used fear as a teacher and catalyst, and moved graciously with the flow of life, that she would find herself exactly where she was meant to be.

This is where she found herself...
Sitting at the feet of humble Gurus in the mountains of Kathmandu, soaking in the wisdom and compassion they openly shared. Among the rice fields in Bali she learned from a local palm reader about the evolution of her Soul and the path she had been intuitively walking all along. She sat with Ayurvedic doctors in the Himalayan mountains where she learned how to better live a life of balance and harmony. She lived in and visited ashrams where she connected back to her childhood dream to live a life of simplicity and service. Dipping in the cool, nurturing waters of Mother Ganga she allowed the holy river to wash away her worries and fears.
On this spiritual journey she found Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh, India
This was another joyous homecoming. It was here, at the home of Akhanda Yoga Institute, that she realized her dharma and found her teacher, her Guru, Yogrishi Vishvketu, the one that would light the path before her, help remove self-doubt, give an outlet to serve, and offer the name Jot Anant, meaning Eternal Light.
When she found Akhanda Yoga she knew she had found truth. Although Jot Anant had been practicing the many facets of Yoga she had never experienced them brought together within a formal class setting in the West. She continues to train and apprentice under her Guru so that she may bring the beautiful depths of holistic and authentic Yoga to the students she serves.
"Jot Anant brought something different out and I felt it all the way through me when class was over. Something changed in me that day and I was hooked to yoga."
Erin Johnston
Yoga Student"Her instruction makes it easy to safely move deeper into a pose. I take up to three classes a week with her, and she always keeps it fresh. Her classes are ripe with compassion, inspiration, and fulfillment."
Patrick M
Yoga Student"Jot Anant offers an authentic yoga class. I’d been searching for a teacher who went beyond poses and exercise. She clearly explains different expressions of the pose, so you can tailor your practice to what serves your body best that day."
Sharon Saltzgiver
Retreat Attendee"I am so grateful to have found Jot Anant’s offerings online. I've done yoga on and off for the past 30 years and have always really enjoyed it, but it has never moved me as much as when I take Jot’s classes."